ALPEMA® ~ applications


Brazed aluminium plate-fin heat exchangers (BAHXs) are capable of handling a wide variety of streams, provided they are clean and compatible with aluminium metallurgy, up to pressures greater than 100 bar (1450 psi) and temperatures of 204°C (400°F). They are robust, custom designed units manufactured to withstand combined thermal and pressure stresses. The following table summarizes typical applications.

Plant types Temp range, °C Press range, bar (abs)
Industrial gas production +65 to -200 1 to ≥100
Natural gas processing +100 to -130 15 to ≥100
LNG +65 to -200 5 to 100
Petrochem +120 to -200 1 to ≥100
Refrigeration +100 to -269 15 to 45


ALPEMA®, the Brazed Aluminium Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger Manufacturers' Association represents the world's five major manufacturers of brazed aluminium plate-fin heat exchangers (BAHXs). These are very compact exchangers built to a high specification for use in air separation plants and a wide range of other petrochemical and refrigeration applications. The Association has developed a set of standards for the manufacture, installation and safe operation of BAHXs.


For further information or to give your views, contact

John Thome
ALPEMA Chairman
Tel : +41 (0)21 693 59 81
Fax : +41 (0)21 693 59 60

Secretariat services to ALPEMA are provided by HTRI.

ALPEMA® and the ALPEMA logo (top right) are registered trademarks in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, in the European Union Intellectual Property Office, and in other trademark offices.

©Aluminium Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger Manufacturers' Association. All rights reserved.